
Bike tour to the Safen river valley

Length: about 22 km

Continue on the R36 to St. Magdalena, then continue to Oberbuch and on the R35 back to Bad Waltersdorf. This path requires a good level of fitness.

The cycle path leads directly past the hotel, left up to Wagerberg and Wagerbergberg. A slight descent then leads to Oberlimbach with the beautiful and idyllic wetlands at the ponds of Limbach. Through the forest, it goes slightly uphill to Lemberg and St. Magdalena. There is a worth seeing local history museum in an old, timbered farmhouse. The parish church is really worth seeing in this well-kept recreation village. From Sebersdorfberg you can enjoy a magnificent view over the Safental.

Distance: 22 km
Characteristics: slight to sometimes stronger gradients
Track condition: asphalt
R12 to the junction Wagerbergberg
R36 from intersection Wagerbergberg
R35 from Oberbuch

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