Coordination exercises

The training of coordinative skills

In the field of motor skills, coordinative abilities are defined as a series of bodily qualities that are prerequisites for the creation of a coordinated movement. These qualities are: the sense of balance, the ability to balance, the spatial orientation ability, the mobility, the rhythmization, the ability to adapt and to change, the reactivity, the ability to combine, the control ability, the skill and the agility.

Stay in balance!

With the coordination exercises, we primarily train the ability to balance. This ability is important to the entire body. The prerequisite for this is a functioning sense of balance. It has its center in the equilibrium organ in the inner ear and cerebellum, but is also closely associated with the visual pathway and other senses as well as with reflexes.

The diversity of balance-related movements may relate to static-dynamic and object-related equilibrium.
The static ability is needed at a relative resting position. It is also called the "attitude sensation" and is used in all different postures of the human body: standing, sitting, lying down and also in postures with the head down.
The dynamic equilibrium ability refers to the posture and restoration of balance in large-scale changes in position and rotations of the body, such as skating and landings of jumps.
And the object-related balance refers to the ability to balance an object with the body, such as: balancing the body on the bezier, or the football on the foot.

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