
Steinbach forest trail

Length 10.9 km
Walking time: 2:45 h
Markings: pink-white-pink

Starting point is the main square in Burgau - along the Herrengasse and Fürstenfelderstraße to the Leidensmann-chapel. Right on the Forsthausweg through the grove to the "Müllner Cross". On the gravel road straight on into the gallows forest, past the forest house around the barrier. Here the local gallows were set up at that time and those condemned to death could perform their last prayer at the "gallows cross" (Pieta), right on the way. Continue straight on at the fork in the road, briefly downhill, then over a small bridge. Go straight uphill and follow this path. Keep left at the two crossroads (you also pass a small barrier). Continue straight on, slightly downhill. Passing the information board of Kleinsteinbach, cross a small bridge and turn left onto the asphalt road. Continue straight on for about 100 meters until you reach the mountain trail to Kleinsteinbach. Here you leave the asphalt road and turn right onto the gravel road. 200 m further on the edge of the forest, then left and finally on the asphalt road turn right. Continue on this road to Obergfangen, past a Christmas tree and past a pig pen, to the village sign of Obergfangen. Continue straight on the main road, past the tavern Kober, to the barrier. Pass this and turn right at the next T-junction. Then continue straight ahead - past the Luther Cross and the Black Cross, which was built to commemorate the plague in Burgau - up to the double barriers. Turn left and continue downhill until you reach a fork. Here to the right, past the Labonca-pig pasture at the next crossroad straight ahead, past the house and after about 100 m turn left (barriers). Go downhill on a grass path to the brick pond. Turn right at the fishing lodge over an ascent to the Trinity Chapel and the pilgrimage church Maria Gnadenbrunn. On the Kirchenweg slightly downhill, then turn left into the Heinrich Dalla Rosa Weg. At the next intersection turn right and pass the bakery, the fire department and the blacksmith Eder, to the starting point at the main square.

Characteristic: slightly hilly
Track conditions: asphalt, gravel, unpaved roads

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