
Trail around the Fischbach pond

Length 5.8 km
Walking time: 1:15 h
Markings: blue-white-blue

Starting point is the main square in Burgau - along the Herrengasse and Fürstenfelderstrasse to the Leidensmann chapel. Right on the Forsthausweg through the grove to the "Müllner Cross". On the gravel road straight on into the gallows forest, past the forest house around the barrier. Here the local gallows were set up at that time and those condemned to death could perform their last prayer at the "gallows cross" (Pieta), right on the way. Continue straight at the crossroads, downhill for a short while, then over a small bridge and then immediately left. Around the pond you can see swans, ducks and herons. At the end of the pond round you cross a bridge and the path rises slightly until it finally rejoins the main path on which you came. From here you hike back to the starting point in Burgau.


Characteristic: rather flat
Track conditions: asphalt, gravel, unpaved roads

Short moment

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